This was not about photography. Clearly. This wasn’t even about blogging. This was about something I read a while ago. About changing behaviours. About discipline. And self control.
So what did I learn in 30 days? One of the things I learned was something that I knew already. I learned that when I HAVE to do something, I will do it, but I will not put 100% into it. Force me, get me into a rut, give me this MUST DO task and I will do it. But it will be a copy/paste. It will be dry. Lifeless. It will not move me. Excite me.
I need the opposite to flourish. This is why I am unemployable. Sometimes selfish. Bratty.
Stubborn. Give me time, flexibility and no boundaries and it works for me. It doesn’t for everyone. Some people need structure. They perform better within boundaries. And that is fine too.
I also learned that I can do whatever I set my mind to. Well... I knew that already too. Sometimes, people like me need structure too. It’s painful and less than fun but it works.
Do something for 30 days and you can do it for a lifetime. But pick carefully. I definitely do not want to blog everyday for the rest of my life. *laughs*
Do something for 30 days and you’re behaviour will change. Try it.
You want to stop over eating? Don’t go on a diet, just don’t eat after 6 or 7 pm for 30 days. See what happens there. Don’t want to say things, do things, think things but you can’t stop? You have read all the self help books in the world and they are useless?
It’s simple. Try something for 30 days. See if you can do it. Seriously? What do you think? That you CAN’T? Really? You are that weak? That you can’t do this or that for 30 days? I doubt it.
In these 30 days I have learned something else. That whatever other 30 day task I will put in front of myself, I will not fail. I just know that. How amazing is that? Mhm.
My next 30 days are without sugar. And day 1 starts tomorrow. I will not blog about it every day, I will just do it.
But I am happy I started this 30 day thing in front of you guys. Why?
Because it seems I have inspired a couple of friends to start their own 30 day somethings.
This is it. I will go back to blogging, real blogging, when I feel like it.
Nu stiu daca sunt in stare sa imi impun sa fac ceva 30 de zile, dar am fost atent la ce-ai facut tu in cele 30 de zile ale tale. E adevarat, mie mi-a luat doar ceva mai mult de o ora, dar a fost tot un exercitiu de vointa.:-)) Cine stie, poate fi un inceput...;-) Mi-au placut fotografiile, dar si comentariile tale. Ce mai, a fost o reala placere sa te "urmaresc". Lucian
Multumesc frumos de tot, Lucian. Eu sunt la... nu stiu cate zile fara zahar. Stiu doar ca termin pe 26 iulie. :O) Nu mi-a fost usor nici mie: am fost plecata din Irlanda de doua ori in cele 30 de zile, am fost obosita, nedormita, fara inspiratie, blocata in casa toata ziua, muncind la un proiect, am lansat proiectul... si tot asa... Nu imi e usor nici acum, cumpar bunatati dulci pentru altii de prin casa de pe aici dar ma multumesc cu... mirositul lor, hehe. Dar e ok. Pot. Si cam asta e the point. Pot. :O) Multumesc ca m-ai urmarit, eu iti zic sa iti propui ceva simplu si fun pentru 30 de zile. Eu.. din joaca asa si din incapatanare am invatat ca pot sa fac orice pentru 30 de zile... si lucrul acesta a fost asa... a sort of a gift for myself pentru ca de fapt... daca pot pt 30 de zile... pot si pentru 60. si 90. si... tot asa. That's the trick cu astea 30 de zile...
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